I have been looking for a way to motivate my children, especially the younger three, to do their chores daily, spend time reading daily, and to be kind to others at home, not just at school and other public places. I found these really cute FREE printable chore, reading, and kindness punch cards HERE. I really love that they print in three columns, with one of each card in each column, and all on sheet! My kiddos really enjoy these as well. Instead of searching for using a hole punch, I just use the old fashioned foil star stickers--which my kiddos love to use!

Now, I have only recently started using this system with my younger three kiddos (who are currently 8, 7, and 5) so I had to go on the eSearch for inexpensive rewards and came across Free Printable Behavior Charts. They offer some really neat free printables! I decided to use the customizable coupons. Rewards do not have to be monetary! Having several children, I know that just one-on-one time with Mom or Dad is enough, or a trip to the Dollar Tree to pick an item-or two, or going to the park for an hour, or....the options are only as limited to as your creativity takes you!

I came up with this cute way to store reward choices for my kiddos...

Also, iMom has some great printable chore charts and other printable resources as tools to help us all in our journey as parents!

I recently joined up with BzzAgent and have received my very first BzzKit! I am so excited!
With allergy season really taking off, my kiddos have scratchy throats, sneezing, sniffling, itchy eyes...well, you get the picture! I am so happy to try out Children's Non-Drowsy Claritin with them and see if helps them through the season!

In honor of my very first BzzKit, I am hosting a giveaway for $3 off any 4oz or larger OR 10 count Non-Drowsy Children's Claritin! Follow the steps below to enter! There will be FOUR winners! To enter, you must follow my blog and leave a comment. For extra entries, you may complete the optional steps!


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Blessed. Grace. What does mean to be blessed? Am I blessed?  What is grace? How do we show grace? How do we receive grace? In Debbie Morris' book The Blessed Woman: Learning About Grace From the Women of the Bible, we learn about both as she shares her heart and expository glances at women from the Bible in relation to being blessed and having/showing grace.

As a wife, a mother, God's child, a volunteer, a teacher, a student and all the other many roles I have in life, it is hard to remember and see the blessings of God and His abounding grace in my life amongst the business of schedules day in and day out. I am so glad to be able to share about this wonderful book with my readers! I hope you will consider reading it for yourself!

"It’s not easy being a woman. The demands and expectations of us, and those we place on ourselves, can be overwhelming. While trying to navigate this thing called “life,” have you ever longed for a close friend, confidant, or mentor to walk alongside you and encourage you in Biblical womanhood? Debbie Morris did. And yet even as a young minister’s wife, she found herself without someone to fill this all-important role. So she turned to the Bible. Biblical women such as Eve, Sarah, and Miriam had always fascinated her. But now they also became her friends, sisters, and teachers. Through their stories, the Holy Spirit revealed how their lives—both joys and struggles—weren’t that much different from ours today and how they can teach women today to be a grace-filled, life-giving woman of God.

In The Blessed Woman, Debbie invites you to learn from these women as well. As she shares her own stories and the stories of discerning women in the Bible, she addresses topics such as overcoming insecurity, finding purpose, establishing priorities, letting go, and waiting. The Blessed Woman reminds us how God longs for every woman to experience His tenderness—and to know the true meaning of being blessed." (Quote from Amazon)

No More Perfect Kids: Love Your Kids for Who They Are
I loved No More Perfect Moms...and I am loving No More Perfect Kids just as much! Reading through it still, actually. Jill and Kathy's candidness and writing style and openness have shown me areas in which I need to improve my parenting skills. As in NMPM, NMPK stresses that the Perfection Infection has taken over way too much in our lives. We must eradicate ourselves of the Perfection Infection and NMPK is a great resource, an easy read and chock full of helpful information!
I highly recommend that every parent read NMPK-it's for Dads, too!

 Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live someone else's life? Have you ever contemplated what life would be like if an element of your life were different? Let's face it, if you are a parent of one child or a  parent to many children, these thoughts have crossed your mind at least once ( not that I have ever had them myself...ahem). 

 In Brandmeyer's novel, Louisa develops amnesia and boy, oh boy, does life get weird! She no longer remembers the life she was living but instead with the amnesia came a new life. No longer does she remember she is a wife and a busy mother of three lively children. She now believes she is a popular romance writer named Jazz Sweet. But where on earth did this personality develop? Could she have daydreamed this life before the amnesia? Well, you will just have to read this novel and see for yourself!


"Who knew making dinner could change your life? Louisa Copeland certainly didn’t. But when the George Foreman grill fell out of the pantry onto her head, resulting in a bump and a mighty case of amnesia, Louisa’s life takes a turn for the unexpected. Who was this Collin fellow, claiming she was his wife? And whose kids are those? Her name couldn’t be Louisa. Why, she was the renowned romance writer Jazz Sweet, not a Midwestern mom of three. Struggling to put the pieces together of the life she’s told she had, Louisa/Jazz may realize that some memories are better left alone." ( Quoted description from Amazon )
Trish, over at Intoxicated on Life, has a 4 Day FREEBIE for those who are subscribers. The freebies, Discipleship: A Character Curriculum Using Scripture and A Bundle of Learning: Things That Are New (this one is perfect for spring!), are a $22.94 value!! So hop on over and grab yours today!
                                     Blessings, Susan
Why Do Kids Make Mistakes? An excerpt from No More Perfect Kids by Jill Savage and Dr. Kathy Koch MistakeDoes it ever feel like your child does more wrong than they do right? As a parent, we know our kids aren’t failures. They can fail a quiz here and there, not win a tournament, and not earn a raise during their first job review, but none of that makes them failures. They will make mistakes, though, because they’re human! To best help our kids overcome their mistakes and not feel like failures, we need to understand why they make mistakes. When a parent understands, it increases their compassion and decreases their frustration. As you listen closely and observe intently for the “why” behind their mistakes, you can know how to best support them. Let’s explore eight reasons kids make mistakes. 1. They need more experience. When kids complain that school is hard, remind them that if it were easy, they wouldn’t need to go. School—and much of life—is about trying new things. We must let our kids know they’re not stupid when they get things wrong. Mistakes are a part of life, and they often show up when we need more experience. 2. They need to be taught in order to be successful. Mistakes can occur when content and tasks are new and teaching hasn’t yet occurred. Kids might enjoy trying things on their own, but then can get very frustrated when their independent approach doesn’t go well. Protect their self-esteem when you notice that the reason they did something wrong was simply because they need help or more instruction. 3. They need more time to learn something. Errors occur because kids didn’t learn something well enough, although teaching has begun. These mistakes are a part of learning. They happen, and it’s no one’s fault. How did you learn to drive? By driving imperfectly for a while. How did you decide which barbeque sauce you prefer? By cooking with one and then another. Did you make a mistake? No. It was a “learn by doing” experience, not a “mistake by doing” experience. The language we use to discuss mistakes matters; this includes what we say to our kids and what we say inside our heads when thinking about them. 4. They need healthy motivation to do things well. Sometimes kids make mistakes because they don’t want the additional pressure that comes with excellence. Maybe your son’s teacher keeps calling on him because he’s always attentive and right, but your son wants to take a break from that. Maybe your oldest is feeling like all your happiness is on her shoulders. That’s unhealthy motivation and creates a lot of pressure for any child. 5. They need our understanding and attention. Kids will occasionally fail at something or make mistakes just to push our buttons. Let’s face it: They are smart little people even at a young age, and they learn the power of manipulation early. In these cases, responding with understanding is important. When the time is right, and depending on their age, let them know you understand they’re angry or frustrated but you’d rather have them talk with you about their feelings than to act their feelings out. 6. They need more modeling and instruction related to character and obedience. Sometimes mistakes are an issue of character. Kids might hurry through a task or assignment so they can get back to their video games. They can choose to not double-check their work because pride is in their way and they’re just convinced they haven’t made any mistakes. As parents, we need to discern whether our children are making occasional errors in judgment or if they’ve developed consistent character flaws that need to be addressed. 7. They need self-respect, self-control, and respect for others modeled for them and taught to them. Sometimes kids’ strengths get them into trouble. Too much of a good thing is not a good thing! For example, word-smart kids might talk too much. Logic-smart kids with a heightened curiosity may ask questions to keep you distracted and to extend bedtime. We don’t want to paralyze their strengths by overreacting and being too critical, but we do need to teach the concepts of self-control and respecting others. 8. They need sleep, food, and/or emotional stability. Do you sometimes underperform or make unhealthy decisions when you’re tired, hungry, or emotionally vulnerable? So do kids. You might discover your daughter should start her homework after having a snack. Your son may not be handling the long day of school well and may need to go to bed thirty minutes earlier than you originally thought. To track patterns, you can keep a written record of their misbehavior using a calendar or a list. After recording a few days of when mistakes and misbehavior occur, who was present, if it was near mealtime, or if they were fatigued, you can often identify possible strategies to decrease the misbehavior. NMPK Cover with Chapman nameIt’s okay, in the midst of mistakes, to verbalize that your child is not failing or a failure. Look for impressionable moments when kids need the reassurance that making mistakes is how people learn. You may not be happy with their choices, and discipline may be necessary, but also let them know they’re not stupid. In fact, letting our kids know they’re not mistakes even when they make mistakes is very important for us to communicate, especially in the hard days of parenting! This excerpt is from No More Perfect Kids, a new Hearts at Home book by Jill Savage and Dr. Kathy Koch! Pick up your copy of the book between March 13-23 and you'll get over $100 in bonus resources! Find out more at NoMorePerfect.com!