I am so very sorry for my absence from my blog for several months!! I was very busy over the summer and beginning of the new school year trying to keep up with all that is on my plate. I hope to get back into posting at least once or twice a day and I hope you stop by to check in often!!

A refresher on me: I am a stay at home mom to six children. Five girls, ages 14, 12, 9, 6, and 4; one boy, age 2. I provide child care in my home occasionally, usually during the summer. We home schooled for six years. The kids went back to public school last year. I am a born again believer in Jesus Christ. He is my Savior. Apart from his grace, I could not do anything.  So when people ask me how in world could keep up with everything, I reply that it is only by the grace of God. He is my strength, my comforter and my all in all!

I am not one of those couponers that is obsessed with coupons. I do not always save 60-90 percent on my groceries. My main goal is to be a good steward of what resources God has blessed my family with. One of the methods I utilize to do that is by using coupons and keeping track of the sales on the items we use most often.

My main goal and purpose is to bring glory to God in all that I do!
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